How to start a business in USA


Starting a business in the USA as a non-resident can be a rewarding endeavor with endless possibilities for success. However, the complex legal and administrative processes can seem overwhelming. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of establishing your business in the USA as a non-resident, with the expert assistance of S.K.A. Solution, your trusted business agent.

Research and Choose the Right Business Structure

The first step in starting a business is to research and identify the most suitable business structure for your venture. Common options for non-residents include Limited Liability Company (LLC) and Corporation. Each structure has distinct legal and tax implications, so it’s crucial to seek professional advice to make an informed decision that aligns with your business goals.

Benefit from S.K.A. Solution's Expertise

S.K.A. Solution, with its vast experience in business establishment, can guide you through the intricacies of choosing the right business structure. Our team of experts will provide valuable insights and help you understand the advantages and disadvantages of each option, empowering you to make the best choice for your business

Select the Ideal Business Location

Choosing the right location for your business is critical for your success. Different states in the USA have varying regulations and tax implications. S.K.A. Solution can assist you in selecting the ideal state for your business based on your industry, market research, and future expansion plans

Choose a Suitable Business Name

Your business name is your identity, and it’s essential to choose a unique and memorable name. S.K.A. Solution will conduct a thorough search to ensure that your business name is available and complies with state naming requirements, saving you time and potential legal hassles.

Appoint S.K.A. Solution as Your Registered Agent

As a non-resident business owner, you will need a registered agent in the USA to receive official documents and legal notices on behalf of your business. S.K.A. Solution can serve as your reliable registered agent, ensuring timely and efficient handling of essential documents.

Obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN)

An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is a must-have for tax purposes and opening a business bank account in the USA. S.K.A. Solution will assist you in obtaining your EIN from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to establish your business’s tax identity.

Prepare Essential Business Documents

With S.K.A. Solution’s guidance, you can efficiently prepare all the necessary business documents, including your business plan, articles of incorporation, operating agreement (for LLCs), and partnership agreement (if applicable). These documents are crucial when applying for business licenses, permits, and bank accounts.

Ensure Compliance with Federal and State Regulations

Navigating federal and state requirements can be complex, but with S.K.A. Solution as your trusted advisor, you can ensure compliance with all necessary regulations. Our team will guide you through the process of obtaining licenses and permits specific to your industry and location.

Benefit from S.K.A. Solution's Network

With S.K.A. Solution’s extensive network of industry professionals, you gain access to reliable and reputable partners, suppliers, and vendors. Our connections can facilitate a smooth process for your business, ensuring a seamless start-up journey.

Receive Ongoing Support from S.K.A. Solution

At S.K.A. Solution, our commitment to your success goes beyond the establishment phase. We offer ongoing support and advisory services, helping you navigate any challenges that may arise in your business journey. From financial management to legal compliance, we have got you covered.


Starting a business in the USA as a non-resident is an ambitious endeavor that requires careful planning and expert guidance. With S.K.A. Solution as your reliable agent, you can confidently navigate the complex landscape of legal and administrative processes. Our team of professionals will be by your side, ensuring a smooth and successful business establishment. Embrace the opportunities that the USA offers for growth and prosperity, and let S.K.A. Solution be your trusted partner on this exciting entrepreneurial journey. With our expertise and dedication, your dream of starting a business in the USA can become a reality.