Business Designs



Project One

USA-Based Amazon Business for Brand Affiliation

Client: Confidential

Overview: Establishing a USA-based Amazon business affiliated with a prominent brand to secure sales and enhance brand presence.

Client Background and Goals
The client, a resident of South America, sought to establish a business in the USA to secure a consistent income stream in US dollars.

Strategy and Planning

Collaboratively with the client, a strategic approach was devised to establish the Amazon business. This encompassed comprehensive market research, meticulous product selection, and strategic brand affiliation.

Business Formation and Legal Process

The foundational step involved the establishment of a business entity within the USA, a pivotal requirement for initiating the Amazon business. Additionally, the acquisition of an American mobile number and the establishment of a US-based bank account were deemed essential.

Amazon Store Setup and Branding

Upon ensuring the completion of all requisite legal documentation, the next phase entailed the creation of an Amazon Seller account and the meticulous setup of the online store.

Results and Achievements

As a testament to the efficacy of the approach, the client achieved remarkable results, generating revenues exceeding USD 1000 within a single month.  

Project Two

Client Background and Objectives

Hailing from the European Union, the client aspired to tap into the US markets by launching a dedicated Amazon business account to showcase and sell his own inventory.

Strategic Approach

A comprehensive strategy was formulated to enable the client to successfully penetrate the US market. This involved meticulous planning encompassing product selection, competitive analysis, pricing strategies, and targeted marketing.

Business Formation and Legal Process

The foundational step involved the establishment of a business entity within the USA, a pivotal requirement for initiating the Amazon business. Additionally, the acquisition of an American mobile number and the establishment of a US-based bank account were deemed essential.

Amazon Store Setup and Product Listing

The cornerstone of the project was the setup of the client’s Amazon store, which included an intricately designed product listing. The emphasis was on optimizing product titles, descriptions, images, and keywords to enhance discoverability.

Sales and Achievements

Over the course of a year, the client consistently achieved substantial sales volume, successfully selling around 50 products on a monthly basis. This consistent performance was a testament to the strategic planning and diligent execution.

Continuous Optimization

The project journey also involved ongoing optimization efforts, including monitoring sales trends, adjusting pricing strategies, and refining product listings to maintain competitiveness and maximize sales.

Year-Long Success Story

Through skillful execution, dedication, and strategic planning, the client’s USA Amazon business not only successfully penetrated the market but also thrived, culminating in a year-long success story of sustained sales and market presence.

USA-Based Amazon Business

Client: Confidential

Overview: Setting up a USA-based Amazon business to sell European stock on the USA market.

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